Hours After

Pandemonium had just begun at Sterling High and Patrick was the unfortunate one to witness it all. While ordering his crew to navigate the victims and aid them to safety. Meanwhile, Patrick hears a noise, and wonders how many shooters are involved. He navigates the cafeteria only to find a lunch lady hidden in a refrigerator, who is terrified for her life. Patrick continues on his journey to discover who has murdered the students at Sterling High. He slips into the boys change room to discover two bodies, dead or unconscious is unknown at this point, and a small boy curled up in the corner with a gun. Patrick soon learns his name is Peter Houghton. The novel quickly switches views to Alex’s familiarity. As the bailiff receives the news, he immediately informs the judge resulting in a sudden recess of the courtroom. A flashback of John Eberhard’s class that morning before the shooting is described. Courtney Ignatio, a popular teenager who had been responsible for bullying peter was also considered. In the midst of chaos, reporters flood to the scene to question the spokesperson for the attorney general’s office; Diana Leven. Diana is overwhelmed with questions she cannot yet answer. She informs the media that the names of the wounded would be posted at the hockey rink. Alex rushes to the hockey rink to discover her daughter has been hurt and is being maintained in the hospital for further physical analysis and questions. Patrick reports back to the police station where Peter is being kept captive. His mother Lacy has just been directed to the station to learn what her son has done. At this point, Lacy is legally prohibited to see her son, as he is seventeen and he needs to invoke the right to an attorney himself. Patrick tries to talk to Peter but doesn’t succeed. Peter is in shock and will not speak to anyone. Patrick tries to help Peter by stating, “Help me help you” (55). The only words Peter is capable of saying are, “They started it” (55). Patrick is sent back to the school to resolve the confusion stirring. The principle assists the police by identifying the students bodies and giving a short eulogy to each student. Few dead bodies are still scattered throughout the school but one body has still yet to be identified. A student who claimed he was an EMT is found near a chalkboard where the only adult victim lay. Mr. McCabe is a victim who had been shot in the stomach. The young boy who claimed to be an EMT, had attempted to save his teacher he loved so much. Matthew Royston is the next student who had been found in the boys locker room. He was the only victim who had been mysteriously shot twice, while Josie was only injured, but cannot remember anything. Lacy is back at her house by now, with her husband who has just appointed a lawyer to their son's case. Disturbed, the two try to console eachother, but have little luck. Jordan McAfee is the lawyer chosen to represent Peter's case. The reader's attention is soon taken back to the school where it is learnt that the bomb squad had dismantled the pipe bomb in Peter Houghton's car; after one dundred and sixteen shell casings had been found scattered in the school from fired bullets. The investigators and police gather to listen to Patrick's advice and directions. The crew at the school recollects and continues to work, while Patrick pays Josie a visit at the hospital. Josie confesses she cannot remember anything that happened during the incident. She questions Patrick details of the crime, and wonders about Matt's condition. Patrick breaks the news to Josie that her boyfriend is dead.

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